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Фотобанк Лори: лицензионные изображения и фотографии
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Фотобанк Лори: лицензионные изображения и фотографии

06.03.2003, 23:44 Фотография » Портрет
Поцелуй нежный
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Поцелуй нежный
автор: jan (ян)

ответить  Attar 07.03.2003 00:14

ответить  piterpen 07.03.2003 00:18
согласен.сиськи тута ни к чемувариант кадрирования

ответить  jan (автор) 07.03.2003 00:25
piterpen: нравится ваша кадрировка ...
Стас…: возможо, но "порнографический поцелуй" это название другой работы, обработанный вариант которой только что послал на фотосайт.ру

ответить  piterpen 07.03.2003 00:35
jan: хотите идею насчет этой темы?

ответить  Poltorakin Mihail 07.03.2003 01:04
Вот так будет покрасившевариант кадрирования

ответить  piterpen 07.03.2003 01:07
вариант кадрированияPoltorakin Mihail: а вот еще красивее икрасивее…ик

ответить  Poltorakin Mihail 07.03.2003 01:16
Здесь тоже можно Вам возразить:)вариант кадрирования

ответить  piterpen 07.03.2003 01:21
кажись нашел суть !!!!!вариант кадрированияPoltorakin Mihail:

ответить  Poltorakin Mihail 07.03.2003 01:31
Вся суть в вариант кадрирования

ответить  Jack Of All Trades 07.03.2003 01:52
не порно, но задорно! :)))

ответить  Илья Лубенский 07.03.2003 02:25

ответить  Ben Tachen / адрес e-mail 07.03.2003 11:58
It's a shame when perversion is substituted for art. This photo says nothing and appeals to nothing other than the basest prurient interest of the viewer. There are hundreds of other uninspired photos on this site but they get no comment at all. I guess if you have nothing to say with the camera, get a couple of lesbians to parade their indecency before your lens and at least the perverts will think your great.

ответить  Илья Лубенский 07.03.2003 13:59
Ben Tachen: man, before accusing somebody of "having nothing to say with the camera" make an effort and browse through his earlier works. If you don't change your opinion then — probably we just have different ideas of what is it worth saying.

ответить  anakonda 07.03.2003 14:08
слишком далеко неестественно не нра

ответить  Victor Volfson 07.03.2003 14:10
Ben Tachen: Илья Лубенский: It’s quite apparent that on this site (but just like on many others) the nudity object WILL attract much more attention and responses then any other. I also have to add, that unfortunately the quality of product, in this matter, does not play a dominating role. The bottom line is: if you desire to create traffic to your “work” – shoot nudity. That’s a pity!

ответить  Меламед 07.03.2003 14:19
Ben Tachen: Your comments are all pretty intriguing — is it possible that we see Your works? I presume we all are going to have our brains knocked out.

ответить  Victor Volfson 07.03.2003 14:29
Меламед: I don’t think it’s relevant whether or not Ben Tachen has any work of his own. He has a solid point (I would not call this photo – ‘perversion’) but this particular “work” is very weak (IMHO) and does not deserve all the attention it has received. That’s all folks!

ответить  Stas 07.03.2003 15:32
jan: да как бы мне пофигу как называются работы… эта картинка скорее для XXX сайтов, в ней ничего нет.

насчёт ничего нет, может быть порнуха и искуство, а может быть тонкая эротика и пустышка… а здесь порнуха и пустышка :)

ответить  Ben Tachen / адрес e-mail 07.03.2003 23:09
Having been challenged to look at the photographer's other work, I see that the only thing he is interested in is women, mostly nude. One would have to ask, what would these photos "say" — what story would they tell if the subjects were dressed? The answer is not much — but at least they do not glorify perversion like this one does. The test for relevant nudity in art is whether it adds an ESSENTIAL element to the story told in the photograph, painting or sculpture. This is a hard but fair test to pass. With one exception, if one put clothing on this photographer's subjects there wouldn't be much to talk about. I don't see any "story" or "message" beyond a juvenile preoccupation with breasts, butts and legs in this persons work.

ответить  jan (автор) 07.03.2003 23:32
Victor Volfson and Ben Tachen: well, what can I do? Nudity attracts attention. It has attracted yours, at least. Is it a perversion that they genuinly LOVE each other? (they really do) And have nothing to hide? This is JUST a kiss and, you can believe or not, this was all about kisses (this and others). Yes, I will perhaps take pictures of a pair of lesbians one day, kissing each other if they decide to pose for me. On condition that it is real. Does it offend you? I am sorry(which does not mean that I appologise…) I have just taken a spontanuous picture or a spontanuous pair and felt like sharing it with others…. You have thumbnails to preview the pictures and something made you open this one…
I just think I have the same right to show pictures that mean something to me as you have to like them or not.
Nothing personal, though. Let us be friends…. this is what I have to say.

ответить  Илья Лубенский 07.03.2003 23:48
Ben Tachen: I do not question your right to like or dislike the particular picture or the particular trend, but the logic you employ here is somewhat strange:

Quote 1: "The test for relevant nudity in art is whether it adds an ESSENTIAL element to the story told in the photograph, painting or sculpture."

Quote 2: "if one put clothing on this photographer's subjects there wouldn't be much to talk about."

Don't you just prove yourself that the nudity is an "essential" element of Jan's photos?

ответить  jan (автор) 08.03.2003 00:15
Ben Tachen: I will tell you a secret: I have never asked a model to dress off! Well I have once, but she refused (and still there is some nudity in some of her pictures — are you following?). With all models I have ever photographed undressed it was spontanuous. They liked my portraits and agreed to pose. I rarely tell my models what to do — I just release the shutter when I feel appropriate. I rarely have an a priori vision of what I want to have in picture, which proves that I am no artist at all (I have never pretended to be). I just let them be themselves and I look for the composition I like. So what? And it happens that, when looking at the results of my sessions, I like the pictures containing nudity more than others. Perversion? So what? After all this photograph must mean something (or anything) to you if you decided to spend some part of your life commenting on it. I once heard that art is what appeals to emmotions, be they positive or negative, but it cannot be true for I am no artist at all (and never pretended to be…)

ответить  jan (автор) 08.03.2003 00:41
Стас: посмотрел Ваши работы. Многие оставили равнодушным, многие понравились. Серия Девочки понравилась сильно (наверно опять перверсия, блин). Порнографии не обнаружил, правда не искал сильно. Ваше мнение глубоко уважаю и наверняка вы правы. Хотя,по сути судить сложно: на ХХХ сайты никогда не заходил — честное слово… Разве там такие фотографии висят?
Для меня этот поцелул является нежным, ничего не поделаешь.

ответить  Lost_Bit 08.03.2003 05:52
хех.. первая кадровка питерпена все меняет.. а так полный отстой :)

ответить  Ben Tachen / адрес e-mail 09.03.2003 05:07
Hi Jan!

I do not view you with any animosity and I appreciate your offer to view one another as friends. I will speak to you as I would a friend, but understand that the wounds of a friend are better than the kisses of an enemy.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to displaying their work in public and I wrongly presumed that you would view your work as "art". Since you have disavowed any pretense that your photographs have artistic merit or intent, the only purpose that remains for them is soft porn.

The rest of your justification for taking and displaying your photos seems to center around the fact that the girls invite you to photograph them. The world is full of people who willingly and knowingly do things that are shameful (and/or harmful) to themselves without regard to the hurt or humiliation that their choices might inflict on the people that care about them the most.

Regardless of how old the ladies are, did they ask their parents what they might feel about having these pictures taken?

Did you ask the parents, brothers and sisters of your subjects how they might feel about having these pictures posted online for all the world to see?

Have you provided copies of your photos to the mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters of your models?

Rather than immediately dismiss these questions as irrelevant or preposterous, why not ask yourself how the close family of these ladies might feel if they had a chance to view them?

Would it hurt them?

Would they be outraged?

Would they be embarrassed?

Would they want to show these pictures to their friends?

Now ask yourself, is it right that you should dishonor their close family in this way just because you and your models suppose they will never find out about it?

How would you like it if your daughter or sister were encouraged by someone to do things that you might consider dishonoring or even harmful?

Do you really want your daughter or son to be as honest with you as these ladies probably are with their families?

Do you want your wife or daughter to do things that you may find offensive or worse just because they can get away with it without your knowledge?

It is something to think about. I look forward to your response.

Respectfully yours, Ben T.

ответить  foxred 05.05.2004 15:28
хорошие тетки! тематичные. суфражистки!
еще давай!:))

ответить  ВИРГО 05.05.2004 15:46 / 16:46
Вселенский диспут.В искусстве нельзя ничего доказать.Все равно все сведется к "нравится-не нравится".
А Ben Tachen просто решил выговориться.

ответить  Violetta Pophadse 04.07.2004 23:23
вариант кадрирования

ответить  jan (автор) 06.07.2004 23:10 / 21:10

ответить  Y la 06.07.2004 23:25
да!!! отзывами просто завалили!!! да еще англичане понаехали!!.... :)) (а мне вены не нравятся и куда делась грудь второй модели ?)

ответить  Наталия Таран 06.07.2004 23:44
Разобрали девушек на составляющие… Вначале пожалела, что английского не знаю, потом решила, что лучше потрачу это время на созерцание поцелуя.

ответить  jan (автор) 07.07.2004 01:05 / 23:05
Наталия Таран: А я на конец пожалел что знаю.

ответить  Александр Клочков 19.09.2004 14:45
англоязычные собрались… да какие слова знают, минут 10 переводил. кадрирование вариант кадрирования такое понравилось. предложенное же автором, смешает акцент в сторону ХХХ, и не в художественную

ответить  Elena Platonova 19.09.2004 20:11 / 18:11

ответить  Натали 21.09.2004 14:17 / 15:17
дискуссия была серьезная,а мне кажется что нехватает нежности,от первой модели.

ответить  Я 19.06.2007 01:37 / 02:37
Натали: ну ещё бы не хватает нежности — она наверно не была готова к такому нежному поцелую))))))во даёт! она подчинённая…захваченная врасплох..

ответить  Triniti / адрес e-mail 14.08.2009 13:53


с 7.03.2003___00.18

по 01.52


ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО, отлИчные! кадры: вариант кадрирования
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