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Фотобанк Лори: лицензионные изображения и фотографии
серии: Strange BirdsLandscape
31.08.2006, 22:43 Фотография » Жанровая сцена
Evening (sumi-e)
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Evening (sumi-e)
из серий Strange Birds, Landscape
автор: Jan Zaremba

ответить  Tamara Kulikova 31.08.2006 22:49 / 19:49
I especially like the branch — the tree must be pretty old

ответить  cloud.tiger 06.02.2007 00:35
This painting is the essence of Rumi's thought:

Awake and Sleeping — from the Discourses of Rumi

For instance, you are playing the rebec. Even if you can not see anyone, if you know people are behind this wall listening, you will continue playing, for you are a rebec player. After all, the purpose of prayer is not standing, bowing and prostrating all day, for those moments of spiritual union that possess you in prayer should always be with you. Whether asleep or awake, writing or reading, in any moment, you should not be far from the remembrance of God.

Speaking and keeping silent, sleeping and eating, being enraged and forgiving — all these attributes should be like the turning of a water mill. Surely the mill revolves because of water, and it knows this, since it has tried to move without water. Any mill that believes it is the source of its own turning is the epitome of foolishness and ignorance.

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