фотография, цифровая фотография, цифровая печать, фотопечать, живопись, постеры, рисунок, оформление
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Источник: http://alick.ru/2009/07/17/p1214 (все выпуски)

Kodak 1958 factory film. Небольшой ролик, снятый Кодаком аж в 1958 году, в котором в научно-популярной манере повествуется о том, как изготавливается фотопленка.
This fascinating 1958 documentary titled ‘How film is made’, that documents the production process and birth of photographic and cinematic film, was initially uncovered as part of a heritage in the Netherlands. Although its exact source and purpose are as of yet still unknown, it may have been an instructional film for new employees at Kodak’s factories world wide, and was probably used as a promotional film for the general public as well. The original 16mm film came into the hands of Frank Bruinsma of the Super 8 Reversal Lab in the Netherlands, who decided to have it digitized in conjunction with CINECO and the help of others, and make it available on the internet.
The Future of Photography as predicted in 1944. Очень любопытные предсказания, сделанные девятью известными фотографами в 1944 году о том, какой будет послевоенная фотография.
The amateur will ride through the postwar years with a free spirit of adventure. Every new film, developer, and piece of camera equipment will be eagerly seized upon and used. These postwar amateurs will form many new camera clubs, eagerly buy all the new photographic books, and become the initial participants in a great proving ground of new equipment and methods which may later become standards for the professional as well.
THE TENSION: US Air Force Combat Camera Team Discusses Role of Media in Military. Мериканская военщина, а правильную технику используют. Одобряю.
Members of the Air Force’s combat camera team spoke with bloggers July 7 about their role in documenting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. By shooting photographs, recording video and writing news articles, the Airmen of the combat camera team provide a unique view inside the world of the military during wartime.
78 Photography Rules for Complete Idiots. Забавный списочек. Говорящее название у сайта, надо заметить.
78 funny photography rules and useful advices created by latvian photographer Ivars Gravlejs.

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