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Фотобанк Лори: лицензионные изображения и фотографии
08.01.2019, 02:44 Компьютерная графика » Иллюстрация
Надпись Ла-Пасьеги / The Inscription of La Pasiega
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Надпись Ла-Пасьеги / The Inscription of La Pasiega
из серии Истина
автор: Александр Амелькин

Using ideograms from the writing of the Australian aborigines and from the Proto-Canaanite Script, one can somewhat more closely recognize the investigated inscription, which consists of three parts and is also a palindrome, which allows to apply to it writing with a different reading direction (https://zirbelnuss.livejournal.com/108185.html).

The left part describes a certain community of people living in a cave or part of it, which are armed with spears and ready to defend their home. The platform on which these people are standing resembles a raft upon which they arrived along the nearest river (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave_of_La_Pasiega).

The central part of the inscription contains two almost identical ideograms with small differences that are acceptable even within the same script without changing their meaning. Highly likely they denote not the traces of animals but two protective amulets in the shape of the right palm "hamsa" — "Hand of Ki (Ninhursag)" and "Hand of Inanna", corresponding to the well-known Australian Aboriginal sign "Two Goddesses" and to the same sign in Göbekli Tepe complex. This corresponds to the oldest dualistic belief in the "lower" and the "upper" worlds.

But the right part of the inscription contains only one symbol (one ideogram), which simultaneously means what and from whom it is necessary to protect. In different writing systems it denotes both the footprint (track) of a large predator (aggressive animals) and the home of ancient people (garth, cave, house and a yard around, fortified settlement). Also, this symbol can be interpreted as a wide opened trap "La Trampa", a paddock for wild animals. In the Proto-Canaanite Script the similar symbol "het" resembles a paddock or a trap, but with a closed gate.

Thus the inscription contains amulets (hamsa, eskua, “Hands of Goddesses” or less likely bear tracks, etc.) and appeal (prayer) of the inhabitants of the cave (six of them?) to the higher forces of the “upper” and the “lower” worlds with a request to protect their home and its inhabitants and to send them luck in hunting and gathering: "we (2 men and 2 women with 2 kids) ask the goddesses to protect us and to send us luck in hunting" or "we, namely 2 men and 2 women with 2 kids, who arrived on a raft, ask the goddesses of the two worlds to protect us and to send us luck in hunting". The inscription is located in an inaccessible place for the purpose of its integrity.


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